Thailand, buses
When you are in Thailand with office colleague group, friend group or individual and want to go local or one city to an other city try to do travel in bus. When movement in Thailand, buses will typically be the foremost convenient approach of obtaining between 2 explicit destinations.
The buses themselves vary in levels of comfort and repair. the govt transport company, Baw Khaw Saw (BKS), run several of the standard (rot thamada) and air-con (rot air) buses. The air-con buses tend to be blue with the standard buses orange colored.
while a typical bus could also be comfy enough for a brief one or a pair of hour journey, if you're movement long distances you will appreciate a lot of comfort. On varied routes there's the choice of a high-up bus, however there ar some vital issues to recollect before booking any high-up utility in Asian country.
Last edited by discoverythailandadmin; 01-16-2014 at 09:49 AM.
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