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Thread: Bits of advice When You Are Traveling With an Autistic Kid

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  1. #1

    Default Bits of advice When You Are Traveling With an Autistic Kid

    Traveling together with an autistic kid is can be daunting, but it does not have to be. If you've got an autistic kid and you wish for traveling, then you definitely must take some measure to control behavior including withdrawn, burst and obscured behavior. Autistic child attention span is very thin and he she could not discover why he should sit in a long period of time if you are traveling from one place to another location. They sometimes oppose badly to the situation he she can’t understand and some of the times you cannot control it. But adequate planning and plan ahead of time can lessen all your worries and can control what is going to happen.

    Here are things that I would like to stress when you are in planning to travel with your autistic kid.

    Open up and talk with the kid about upcoming trip. You may explain to him her what he she should expect about the upcoming trip. You can use the story board or other optical stuff that could help him know very well what to anticipate of the trip. See to it that he she understands that he will not travel alone which allows he she will not afraid or troubles to something. Demonstrate to him her as numerous information that he she should know prior of the trip starts.

    Involve him her also in packing the things. Ensure him her that you are packing his or her favorite things and then ask him what whatever else he she wants to bring.

    Get in contact with airlines, bus, train or other means of transportation system in your travel. Obtain for special consideration coz you are traveling with an autistic kid. You might also name if your child has allergies reaction. Also when you do an online booking for your hotel reserve one must always mention these for them to present you with an special consideration.

    When you are driving stop occasionally to distract his her behavior, let him run around. Playing some toys to entertain him her. Car rentals online.
    Last edited by discoverythailandadmin; 08-22-2011 at 07:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    1.You should take care of your kids carefully.
    2. Take all the belongings for your kids.
    <a href= ""> hotels </a>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Its a really big trouble when your going any trip with a kid who are autistic to other kids. These tips are help you control your self and enjoying your trip. take care your kids on travel and follow this guideline.

    Dis have travel experience of bus from indianapolis to new york ?
    Last edited by Arjeet; 03-18-2014 at 10:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    I like your sharing all members guidelines about kids safety in travelling time. I will suggest to my elder sister for this and I hope she will try and safely enjoy here tour with her kids. Thanks for sharing these lines with us.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    Well, really good to see that all of you have shared here truly nice information about kids safty during traveling. I really like this interesting topic and like to share about this with my sister,. So thanks for this great sharing. Keep it up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    JeanyWallace! You have shared the informative post here. I read your post, which is totally filled with informative stuff. I must say that you have shared nice information about Traveling With an Autistic Kid. I must try to share this stuff with my other friends after my niagara falls illumination.

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