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Thread: Need Information about wave height analysis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Default Need Information about wave height analysis


    I am an undergraduate student of Sri Lanka, who carries out a research project on Tsunami.

    I like to know the methods to measure the wave heights and speed using the sediments. If anybody have an idea please help me.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    John@DT Unregistered

    Default Don't know right now...

    ...but I will try to find out for you!


  3. #3
    Dave Unregistered

    Default Wave speed and height

    I thought they used satellites for that for the most part but try these sites... they may be useful.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    I saw this message was posted around the net.

    "Question - Why is the speed of tsunami waves in the open sea a function of
    water depth. (The wave speed is the square root of the product of the gravity constant (g) and water depth.)

    The formula that you mention is a very close approximation of the speed of waves with long wavelengths (like waves in the ocean).
    Wave speed is also somewhat dependent on wavelength.

    A tsunami wave qualifies as having a long wavelength. Tsunamis are normally produced by an earthquake or displacement of the seafloor due to plate shifts, etc. This produces a very large wave very rapidly, which then possesses significant energy.

    The energy is distributed through the depth of the water initially, as it is displaced, but because of gravity and friction with the seabed, tends to decrease with increasing depth after a short while.
    In deep water, the frictional affect on the wave speed is negligible near the surface. The more shallow the water (for instance as it approaches shore), the greater the affect of friction in slowing the mass of water above the seabed; most of the energy of the wave is transferred to the seabed, a small portion is lost to the atmosphere and in heating of the water.

    Therefore, the more shallow the water, the slower the wave speed.

    David R. Cook
    Atmospheric Research Section
    Environmental Research Division
    Argonne National Laboratory"

    Not sure if this is what you are lookign for or not

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    I thought they used satellites for that for the most part but try these sites... they may be useful.
    This two sites are useful. Nice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Thank you for share.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    You choice wrong community thread for you question. I think no one can give you properly ans about Wave height analysis.
    Search on Google or Bing you can surely get your ans. Good Luck

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